Yup, we’re going deep with ‘life purpose’ – are you ready?
Let’s talk about your purpose relating to your career, business or work life. My purpose has related to my career and my businesses for as long as I can remember…starting with choosing to study Psychology at University, followed by setting up my first yoga business a couple of years later…and here I am even more years later running two businesses:
- Intuitive Life Coach & Yoga Teacher
- Marketing Consultant
The road to get here was not paved with gold, nor always clearly sign posted (or even at times in any way enjoyable). I think there is a misconception around living, and working for, your life’s purpose in that it should be glittery, sweet smelling and full of unicorns and fairies welcoming you through each doorway. My experience has been of unicorns and fairies at times and feeling like I am climbing Everest on my own and am probably going to collapse before I make it even half-way – and everything in between. And – that is OK! It is not meant to be easy all the time.
Your life’s work, just like your close relationships, is a juicy and potent area for spiritual growth and development. You could say your career/ business is a reflection of yourself and looking at what is and isn’t working is a useful exercise. I absolutely adore talking about and working on this area of life because it is you and you and you – your creativity, your big dreams, your holding space, your abundance, your everything! It really can be a beautiful love story with your soul’s purpose and your higher self.
So, my love, lets get into the nitty gritty…here’s a couple of questions to help you consider where you are on the journey of your purpose:
- How do you feel about your current career/ business/ side gig? You don’t need to be working full time on your life purpose – so many people tie themselves up in knots about this! For example I have been a full time yoga teacher previously, and I loved it at the time, but it also felt like I was constantly giving away something that was very close to my heart. Now I only teach choice classes and workshops and I get to keep my practice mostly for myself, which feels perfect for right now.
- Can you say/ write down your purpose in 2 sentences? If you are a ‘hell yes’! Congrats and power to you my friend! If not, you are not alone or in any way less than – it just means you are at a different point on your soul’s journey – and you know what they say – it’s about the journey and not the destination.
- Can you give 3 examples of the impact your work on your purpose is having? (In your life and the lives of others.) If you wanna answer these questions in the comments please do – I would LOVE to hear them. So, impact – that’s what we’re all about right? And if your purpose is only impacting you now, & forever, that is more than enough – we are responsible for the energy we bring to the world and if you are showing up, doing the healing work and loving yourself hard – you’re way ahead of most, my love. If you are impacting others – wonderful!
Why does this even matter? I hear a small voice in your head asking… Well, because when our souls decided to come and live these beautiful and brutal lives they deeply wanted to express themselves, and learn and grow, and love and be loved. This is the expression part…repressing it doesn’t go down well. People have been known to get sick when they are not living in alignment with their soul’s purpose, or allowing it to be expressed through them in any way. For example autoimmune diseases etc. Whether or not health is affected it is very likely to affect your happiness and feelings of being fulfilled and reaching your own potential.
I hope these kernels of info and insight have set alight a fire of curiosity within you – keep asking questions, keep exploring your answers and keep the passion alive.
Sending love to you xxx